
HMP 310 and HMP 620: Population Health Population health is emerging as a field of study of health determinants, a concept of health, and a goal of achieving measurable improvements in the health of a defined population. These populations can encompass geographic regions, such as communities, states, or nations, but can also be groups, including groups based on need, employment, ethnicity, members of Accountable Care Organizations, and other populations with relevance to policymakers. In this course, students will gain an understanding of the determinants of population health, population health outcomes, and policies and interventions that link the determinants and outcomes.

HMP 684: Analysis of Health Care Delivery and Policy All societies must deal with the allocation of scarce resources. In our society, primary reliance is placed on markets and prices. We will discuss criteria to evaluate the allocation of resources and analyze the behavior of two of the principal actors – consumers and firms. A careful analysis of the choices made by individuals, organizations, and governments will demonstrate that sensible “choice architecture” can successfully nudge people toward better decisions without restricting their freedom of choice. The principles of economic and management decision-making will be presented in the context of health care systems and markets. We will use numerous real-world issues and case studies to demonstrate decision-making techniques, especially for health care organizations and consumers.